IGN!Te Framework Debut

Last weekend marked the inaugural Colorado Springs SHRM half-day conference, a first-of-its-kind event for HR professionals in the region. It was an exciting opportunity for local leaders to come together, share ideas, and explore fresh approaches to workplace challenges.

During this event, I had the privilege of presenting my IGN!Te Framework for the first time. Built on the four key pillars of Playful Work Design—Inclusive Culture, Flexible Environments, Mission-Driven Work, and Psychologically Safe Teams—the framework offers actionable strategies to transform workplace culture through creativity, trust, and adaptability.

It’s designed to help teams not only boost engagement and innovation, but also build resilience and a shared sense of purpose, fostering an environment where both individuals and organizations can thrive.

Feedback was overwhemingly positive and I am so excited to start sharing this framework with more leaders.

One key takeaway for many was the benefit of integrating low-stakes play into everyday work, as well as playful ideas like reframing traditional post-mortems into no-blame retrospectives to create safer, more open environments for reflection and growth.

Several attendees also expressed how energizing and actionable the session felt. There was a strong desire for more time to explore these ideas in greater depth, with some requesting half-day or full-day workshops. I’m excited to continue building on this momentum and bringing the IGN!Te Framework to even more organizations.

At Voodoo Brewing after the conference!

The response to the IGN!Te Framework at the Colorado Springs SHRM Conference has been inspiring, and I’m eager to continue sharing it with more organizations and HR professionals. If you're interested in exploring how IGN!Te can help transform your workplace, whether through an extended workshop, a team training session, or a keynote presentation, let's connect!

Together, we can ignite creativity, trust, and purpose in your teams—driving engagement, innovation, and long-term success.

Acey Holmes

Acey Holmes helps companies keep teams happy and attract top quality talent through workplace culture audits, consulting, and facilitation based in the neuroscience of play.


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