Module 1 - Video 2: Why Everyone Feels Like They’re Faking It
Module 1 - Video 2: The imposter phenomenon in high achieving women: Dynamics and therapeutic intervention.
Module 2 - Video 2: The Cost of Interrupted Work: More Speech and Stress
Module 2 - Video 3: A better distraction: Exploring the benefits of flow during uncertain waiting periods.
Module 2 - Video 3: Flow and Business Success
Module 2 - Video 3: Various Statistics (230% faster learning, execs were 5x as productive)
Module 3 - Video 1: A new structural model for the study of adult playfulness: Assessment and exploration of an understudied individual differences variable
Module 3 - Video 2: Are Impostors playful? Testing the association of adult playfulness with the Impostor Phenomenon
Module 4 - Video 2: Consequences of Play Deprivation
Module 5 - Video 1: A 15O-H2O PET Study of Meditation and the Resting State of Normal Consciousness